wny_pat wrote:
If they are difficult to perform the watering, go with AGM!!!
On this Pat and I agree... Or if your batteries need to be mounted oddly (Other than This side up) those are the advantages of AGM.
Some folks yammer about how fast you can recharge AGMs.. This is true of LIFELINE AGMS but I've seen no evidence of it with other brands... I had MK's in here for about five years.. What I was most impressed by was how quickly they had to be replaced (See five years) My Interestate Flooded wet's which I replace Monday, (Decided on the day, for logistical reasons), made it to 8.5 before one shorted out, perhaps longer (that's 8.5 from delivery date on MH by the way). That too impressed me.. I have some maintenance free's that were older than the MH. The MK AGMs I got in 2006
Replaced the AGMs in 2011
Replaced most of the Maintenance free (Recall they were older than the Motor home) last summer the last early last fall.
Replaced the Chassis battery last Month
The GC-2's Shorted the month before last but I isolated them till I can afford replacements. Chassis came first.