rgatijnet1 wrote:
Why continue to worry about it? Rerouting your brake lines is not that difficult. It is something you can do yourself if you are at all handy. Check the size of your brake lines and you can buy just the steel tubing at any NAPA store, along with the couplers. Then you need to buy a DOUBLE flaring tool, which can run from about $20 on up, depending if it is made in China or in a decent country. DO NOT use a standard plumbing single flaring tool.
Once you use a tubing cutter to cut the brake lines, then you can add additional tubing to route the brake lines away from any heat source. Once you have everything rerouted and securely fastened, you will need to bleed your brakes and enjoy a permanent solution to your problem.
Naturally any competent garage can do the same thing if you do not want to do the work.
Its not the brake lines I already wrapped those with FG its the transmission lines that run along the frame inside of the heat shield on the passenger side these would be much harder to wrap or add a heat shield. It just looks like if the eng designers put it on the other side of the existing heat shield it would be a better design. Having said that I am not smart enough to know how close is too close? Is 1/2 inch clearance enough? The header tubes drop about 3-4 ins lower than the std exhaust manifolds. I have read a lot of posts about adding headers but have not read any where folks had to re rout the transmission lines. If someone had not posted about the brake lines on a P-30 chassis being close I would have never thought to look.