hotbyte wrote:
My understanding, it is built on a "stripped chassis" just like other class A's built on Ford's F53 chassis - not a cut-away chassis like class C's. See 2014 Ford Stripped Chassis for more info.
The Vegas/Axis begins "life" looking like this


There is probably little difference in time or effort to tack on fenders and winders. The two pics you show are mechanically 99% DNA matches. The point is the Axis is functionally trying to be a mini-motorhome (RUV) on a Class C chassis - it does not need the standard Class A chassis.
The marketing aspect of all this is that by calling it an A, and making it look like one, they can charge more for it. LTV does the same thing today with its B+ line - make a Class C look more like a B van and charge high B van prices.
So Class C seems to be the spring board for all kinds of EVIL marketing monsters like B+, Super C, and RUVs.