I find it a little humorous that a GS member, obviously online, hasn't tried the GS Trip Routing Program... It is what I use routinely and I go Pa to Or to Az and back to Or and then home to Pa annually. Take different routes to vary the scenery and it hasn't let me down yet for routing (has RV warnings that are customizable) or finding a suitable campground. If you don't like the road it has you on, just drag the route over to where you'd rather be. We did that a couple of times to go around a mountain on a straighter road than the twisty one that went over the top... Once you have your route you can print it to PDF on paper or a file on your device. I print it to paper so that my wife can verify on an Atlas that it is correct, and I have the GS Rand McNally GPS unit that I download the entire trip to.