when we began this RV thing nearly 32-years ago we were weekend warriors..sometimes long 3 and 4-day weekends..but usually prepare the RV during the week, rush home on Friday, get to the park and setup by 6. and then out and back home by 5pm on Sunday. we were lucky that our favorite park was about 30-minutes from home.
then there was the usual 2-week vacation. tired of competing with mom and dad during the summer we shifted gears and started taking our vacation with grandma and grandpa in September. m-u-c-h more relaxed. as we built time at our jobs and saved vacation and other paid-time-off days we were able to take off the entire month of September. that made for much more relaxed trips. we still did the occasional weekend thing although not on holiday weekends (the 4th, Memorial Day, etc.) labor ay was the sole exception and we usually planned to hunker down somewhere for that weekend. that was the only bad part of being off in September.
when we did the 2-week vacation thing it started out as 10-12 hour driving days and a day here, 2-3 days there. over the years and especially after we retired 12-years ago we now are inclined to spend 1-2 weeks up to a month or more at one spot. on travel days we limit ourselves to approximately 4-hrs of actual driving and every couple of driving days we'll spend an extra day or two in an en-route campground or park. what's the hurry?
now we're on the road ~6 months a year. when we first retired it used to be 3-mos in the spring and 3-mos in the fall...usually months when school was in session. because family situations have changed (parents passing away) we're now morphing into snowbirds and will be gone 4-mos in the late winter/spring and again for 1-2 months in the fall...kinda sorta. we haven't done a weekend thing in probably 7-8 years. on our trips we try to see someplace we've never seen before. we prefer west of the Mississippi to east of Big Muddy. we have no desire to be full-timers.