Forum Discussion

JCGibson's avatar
Jan 03, 2015

How Long a Learning Curve Driving a Class A

As I have stated in other posts we have a Dodge Dually and Fiver. We started camping when we were stationed in Alaska in 2002 with tenting, then popup, travel trailer and graduated to Fiver the year before I retired from the Air Force in 2009. We have been really happy with Fivers since that time, but we feel we are ready for a change.

During the years pulling Fivers and travel trailers it didn't take me long to feel comfortable in doing so, probably a couple of extended trips and I was good. Luckily, I haven't hit anything or had any other mishaps while pulling and have only hit the curb once when a yahoo in Southern Canada decided to turn left in front of me when I was turning right and I had the right of way. Thankfully, I was able to react quick enough or they would have paid for it.

Anyway, how long did it take for you to become comfortable with driving a long vehicle and pulling a short toad vs. what we have, driving short vehicle and pulling long trailer? Any tips you can give me would be great.

