Forum Discussion

msmith1199's avatar
Explorer II
Aug 12, 2013

How long do you watch before you go help?

I don't know if this is happening in other parts of the Country or not, but in California the rental RV market seems to be huge. We camped on the coast this weekend and at least a third of the RV's in the park were rental units. The only good thing about that is it does make for good entertainment to watch them try and back into campsites and figure out how to get everything hooked up. I've noticed most of the renters appear to be European tourists. I can usually recognize German but I also hear a lot of what sounds like eastern European languages too.

I usually try and avoid going to help because I get worried about what happens if they back into something while I'm trying to help guide them. One time I offered to help and the guy wanted me to back it into the spot for him. I did not do that, but I did help him get in to the space. This weekend I saw a family pull in towing a brand new Airstream with a Yukon Denali. Both vehicles had decals on them indicating they were rentals from Airstreams2go. This guy had a heck of a time getting the trailer backed In because for some reason he was trying to get it perfectly aligned with the concrete space. I started to go help him and then I saw he had it in the space and as I walked away I saw he pulled it back out again to start all over. I guess he thought it had to be perfectly straight and when it wasn't he figured he had to pull all the way out to try again. So I thought it was best to let him figure that would out on his own. He eventually got it into the space.

I have a feeling this RV rentals places just walk renters around the RV and "tell" them how to do everything versus actually showing them or better yet having a place where the renter can set everything up while getting some guidance.
  • I used to try to offer assistance pretty early on as I wanted everyone to enjoy their RV experience whether it be their first or hundred and first RV experience.

    That said, I have found over the years that most people do not want your help and make that very clear. So now I am not so eager to assist unless solicited for help.

  • I'd at least finish my beer first. I actually try to stay out of other peoples business, it does no harm to let someone back into a spot 30 times.
  • I spent a couple of Summers as a Workcamper here in BC.

    One Dutch Fellow had a real problem dealing with the rear overhang on the Rental Class C! He also had difficulty remembering to fold in the Steps!

    I spent several Hours straightening the Rear Bumper and Steps!
  • I had a similar situation this past weekend where a guy was trying to back in a 30' tt into a 30' site. His wifeewas unsuccessfully trying to give him hand signals. After about 6 attempts, I walked over to his truck Window and asked if I helped I could probably add 2 years to his marriage. He welcomed my help with a smile and I helped him back in first try.
    It's always good to ask without just jumping in.
  • The only rentals I have seen are Class C motorhomes. How hard can they be to back in to a space? My dad had several motorhomes (Class A and C's) over the years and I usually drove when I was visiting and we went camping. Very simple to back in to a spot. Are they renting trailers as well? I can see that being a problem to a beginner. I am always willing to help someone, but unless I am asked or I can see someone or something is in danger, I usually just watch.
  • I'm part of the "you learn by doing club". I'll offer assistance if I see a real struggle or a dangerous situation, or I can see they are looking for help. I helped a few weeks ago with "diverced Dad's vacation with the kids". There were 4 hyper kids all running around the campsite as Dad was trying to back in.
  • msmith1199 wrote:
    I have a feeling this RV rentals places just walk renters around the RV and "tell" them how to do everything versus actually showing them or better yet having a place where the renter can set everything up while getting some guidance.

    Yep! Pretty should see what they do in Yellowstone!!!...:B....Dennis
  • Other than perhaps holding a branch back or something of that nature, I don't help unless I'm solicited.