Numerous ways to look at it--I bought a 1996 Holiday Rambler Vacationer ES last August--great shape ,especially inside--paid 7000 for it--started going throgh the maintainence, systems, engine, fluids, everything I could think of--updated what I wanted, re-carpeted,the only thing I really had to do was replace the alternator. Got about 10,000 in it and its paid for everything works like new. Had a friend who bought a new one --still waiting for it to be fixed from the dealer and get to go camping.It is under warranty-so thats a goog thing--point is--new or old --they are going to break down/cost money--my friend has a warranty and brand new MH--owes about 80,000---beautiful--mines a 1996--paid for--so I dont mind spending some money on it--6 of one--half dozen of the other--just some thoughts--Vince