DrewE wrote:
Have you looked for the engine and transmission you need in some other type of donor vehicle? If you could find a plain ordinary van or maybe a truck with the same parts, it would be much less hassle to get rid of the carcass after you're done with it.
The RV world is one of just a few sources of low mileage drive lines, In this case - free. I am starting to understand the reason is the disposal issue. It appears RV parks are having difficulties getting rid on parked RVs after the owners disappear. Also, many of these have really bad interiors (leaks, trash, sewage) that are - in theory - salvageable, but in practice nobody is interested. The other sources are: government auctions, failed hotrod projects. I do not know any other sources.
A ford rebuilt 460 is about $2600, a E4OD is about $1400 and the install is about $1000. So a free drive train, with a $1000 swap cost is about $4000 less than rebuild. Many of the vehicles of this age are not worth $5000 in cost. So it is really a math issue