I have an 88 with a 6.5 kw oman. Might be similar. I also have the 2 switches. When I push the start side there is sometimes a 2-3 second delay. But it is not the fuel pump on the genny. I think the switch is just bad. Anyway when you push either start switch the genny should kick right over. Don't let it scare you. My first couple times I bout wet meself. If it does not turn over you have to start trouble shooting. Some wont start unless your gas tank is above 1/4 full. Mine wouldn't start because my house batteries were bad. I just had to replace the end bearing on mine so I had tobecome intimate with it. Onan I believe has the manuals on line. And to stop it use the stop switch. By the way,to be safe open the breakers on the genny and don't be plugged in to shore power. Mine back feeds. Don't know why yet,maybe yours wont. I also put a fuel filter right at the genny,now I know if its pulling gas. Good luck.