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Semi_Retired_Gr's avatar
Nov 13, 2013

HWH problem puzzles both HWH & Tiffin

New 2013 Tiffin with HWH automatic leveling system. Initially worked well. Soon after our first trip I attempted to level the unit while parked in our driveway only to have the left front hydraulic hose rupture. Big driveway mess! Back to the dealer where they replaced the hose. Now however the system bucks, bounces and makes excessive noise when the jacks extend. Dealer replaced a control valve - no fix. Replaced both rear jacks - no fix. Says they have consulted at length with both Tiffin and HWH w/o being able to diagnose the problem. Now awaiting November 19th visit from the factory rep to help diagnose and hopefully fix the problem. Becoming frustrating! Can anyone offer any insight?
  • 1. I HAVE contacted HWH and no one at HWH has any info that your dealer or Tiffin contacted them about your specific problem.
    2. I need a lot more info for HWH. Your Year/Model and chassis of your motorhome. The correct model number of the HWH system. THAT will be on the HWH operators manual in the Tiffin owners manual.
    3. DID you do what I requested in my first post---test the system manually. It is kind of frustrating when people post problems, you ASK them to do certain things and they either refuse or do NOT do those things and they still go and post help for their problems. Doug (Tiffin dealer Tech (34 years) HWH factory trained(24 years).
    4. Unless they installed an incorrect hose (NOT a HWH hose), there is NOTHING that replacing a hose will do to cause your type problem. The HWH system is self bleeding and will exhaust any air in the system after 3 or 4 extensions and retractions.
    5. I asked if the WRONG fluid added to the system would cause your problem in addition to your problem. This is the reply I received from HWH on the 14th on Nov. We have been waiting for you to respond. Doug

    "I am not real sure what is going on, that is the reason I was wanting to look at his records and see if he called in or his dealer called in about it. I am not sure if the wrong fluid would do this or not. I would seriously doubt that would cause the issue but who knows. I guess bottom line is I need more information to even come close to having an idea with what is going on. It might not even be the jacks, it might be something with the suspension causing this".

    Sorry if you're frustrated. I personally haven't tried any of the recommendations as the MH has been at the dealers some 40+ miles away expecting them to take care of the problem. However - I printed your response and will see that their service department has it Monday. Planned a contact anyway as this has gone on far too long. BTW - all of the manuals are in the MH. W/O them I can say only that it is a 2013 Tiffin 30GA which is on the Ford F53 22,000# chassis. Don't know the HWH model number. Thank you for your input - I WILL follow up on it.
  • Semi Retired Grandpa wrote:
    Visited the dealer Tuesday. Told me they had the Tiffin factory representative visit and look at the leveler problem. He asked that they check other new units on the lot - two gas and two REDs - dealer's rep told us all experienced similar problems. Seems at this point neither Tiffin nor HWH have any explanation for this problem. I'd have to look at the paperwork, but I think our MH has been sitting on the dealer's lot more than a month at this point - and they don't know how to address the problem! Still believe the system worked properly until they replaced a ruptured hydraulic hose.

    1. I HAVE contacted HWH and no one at HWH has any info that your dealer or Tiffin contacted them about your specific problem.
    2. I need a lot more info for HWH. Your Year/Model and chassis of your motorhome. The correct model number of the HWH system. THAT will be on the HWH operators manual in the Tiffin owners manual.
    3. DID you do what I requested in my first post---test the system manually. It is kind of frustrating when people post problems, you ASK them to do certain things and they either refuse or do NOT do those things and they still go and post help for their problems. Doug (Tiffin dealer Tech (34 years) HWH factory trained(24 years).
    4. Unless they installed an incorrect hose (NOT a HWH hose), there is NOTHING that replacing a hose will do to cause your type problem. The HWH system is self bleeding and will exhaust any air in the system after 3 or 4 extensions and retractions.
    5. I asked if the WRONG fluid added to the system would cause your problem in addition to your problem. This is the reply I received from HWH on the 14th on Nov. We have been waiting for you to respond. Doug

    "I am not real sure what is going on, that is the reason I was wanting to look at his records and see if he called in or his dealer called in about it. I am not sure if the wrong fluid would do this or not. I would seriously doubt that would cause the issue but who knows. I guess bottom line is I need more information to even come close to having an idea with what is going on. It might not even be the jacks, it might be something with the suspension causing this".
  • Agree that that behavior would suggest air in the system. I would suggest repeated manual extension/retraction of the jacks and slides until all air is purged back to the reservoir.

    However, would think HWH would have already suggested doing that to dealer/Tiffin.
  • Visited the dealer Tuesday. Told me they had the Tiffin factory representative visit and look at the leveler problem. He asked that they check other new units on the lot - two gas and two REDs - dealer's rep told us all experienced similar problems. Seems at this point neither Tiffin nor HWH have any explanation for this problem. I'd have to look at the paperwork, but I think our MH has been sitting on the dealer's lot more than a month at this point - and they don't know how to address the problem! Still believe the system worked properly until they replaced a ruptured hydraulic hose.
  • I hope they replenished the hydraulic fluid and used the correct fluid!
  • You need to just extend 2 jacks at a time. DO NOT auto level, See if the same problem happens when you manually level. On manual extend there will be just 2 jacks at a time that extend. See if the problem ALWAYS happens regardless of which 2 jacks extend or just happens when one particular set extends. Doug
  • Check for air in the system there may be a hose that is above all others and there is a small poket of air trapped, or you have a crimped hose that is preventing fluid from travelling at the same rate as the rest of the system, ruptured hose on new system sounds as a problem from the beguining, replacing components will not solve the original malfunction, yut drive everyone nuts.
