mike brez wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
take a 4 gauge or larger jump wire from the Battery cable feed at the pump assbly to the Motor cable lug. The motor should run. If it does NOT, then the 12 volt pump motor is bad. Doug
I took a wire from the hot side of pump relay and touched it to pump and nothing. I took test light with test wire from same hot side relay,test light is on touch wire to pump test light goes out. Take hot wire from my generator battery touch pump and runs.
Your post does not make sense. IF you take the "HOT" side of the relay, which means 12 volt positive and you jump to the pump motor it WILL run, if you took your Genset Battery feed to the motor and it ran also. ALL you are doing is supplying a 12 volt source to the Pump motor. Since the motor ran on your Genset battery test, it is good. I suspect your positive large cable feed to the relay is NOT hot since it did not run the Pump motor. Doug