Forum Discussion

MarknJ9's avatar
May 22, 2019

Hybrid electric/propane tank-less water heater

We are looking for recommendations for a hybrid electric/propane tank-less water heater for our 99 Damon Challenger 310. We are looking for one that will run off of electricity when the bus is parked and set up and propane when dry camping or traveling. We currently have a 6 gallon electric/LP heater that really limits us when it comes to showers and washing dishes (works fine for one shower but we have to wait a while before washing dishes afterwards and even then not enough hot water to rinse). Does anyone have any experience that they can share which might point us in the right direction as far as brands, models and cost? Thanks in advance for your input!

    We have 10 gallon Electric/gas and seems to have enough hot water. As stated turn on both electric/gas and it stays hot.

    This one I help a neighbor install and they love it.
  • Heating water for "on demand" use requires an incredible amount of energy which must be available . . . . instantly. Look at the size of the gas burners that come with residential instant hot water heaters. It's not impossible with electricity, but not very conducive to RV use.

    I could easily see that requiring a 100 amp 120/240 volt service which would be unlikely in all but the most exclusive RV parks.

    Chum lee