What actually shakes? Is it the steering wheel that you feel shaking or does the shaking come from the floor as noticing shaking in the seat? If coming from your seat it is more likely an out of round tire and you won't fix this by balancing the tire. Have someone follow you in your tow car and watch your tires on a smooth hiway and see if they are bouncing up and down. That would indicate an out of round tire. Also as Ron said, jack tires off of the ground one at a time and spin by hand with a wood board underneath and measure the distance from the OD of the tire to the flat board. Is it an 1/8 in or more? If so see if the tire has been seated properly sometimes just rotating and reinstalling will fix this problem. If not the only other way to fix an out of round tire is the true the tire where they actually shave some rubber off of the high spots to make it round again. If the ride was good before the new tires I would not change any other suspension parts but focus on getting the tires right.