We have a Jayco Melbourne 30 ft. There was 1 time my wife's sister and husband stayed with us for 3 days. They never asked for a second stay.
We took a 90 day trip to Alaska and back. Every available space for storage was used. Fantastic trip for 2, not reasonable for more, in my opinion. On that trip we carried minimal fresh water, dumped tanks as often as possible. Packed as light as we could.
Coach has 9 seat belts, max ever used was when I took 3 of the grandkids for a ride.
Cooking and feeding more than 3 or 4 only using inside is tight.
Our coach only has 1 bed since front overhang is an entertainment ctr and storage.
If I were to consider a coach for 4 adult full time it would be a Class A. Much more storage available and more floor plan options.
As others have mentioned check out siting, laying, bath room use etc.
Since you are in Louisville, go to the RV show there and walk thru as many as you can. Make up your mind without input from the dealers, until you are ready to buy.
Good luck, safe travels.