Our Fifth Wheel was only 32 ft. I had the dickens of a time backing into our drive way. Drive way was wider than the road.It is rural and not much traffic, or otherwise wouldn't have been able to do. I jacked that Fifth Wheel three to five times or more before I could get it into the driveway.
The Motorhome is 39 ft 6 inches total. Only had to try twice, a couple of times. Removed a small dogwood helped. It is far easier for us.
However, Wife's Uncle who drove a Semi for years backed it, for us, into tighter spaces with ease.
I guess if you back it up enough you learn exactly when and how much to cut the wheels and not take down power poles, trees etc.
The bathroom thing, of course ,is like you expect a whole lot easier situation.
The Fifth Wheel we stopped along side the road in Canada many times, no traffic of course. Hazardous on many stretches, of our Interstates, and other roads.