Forum Discussion

Smart_Alec's avatar
Aug 09, 2014

I want to rehabilitate my old Dodge Class C

Taking it in small steps.

First off, I'm not as young as I used to be so I'm in no hurry.

The ceiling leaks, so correcting that should probably be a priority, no?

I want to take the roof panels down so I can look at what is behind them. Replace moldy old insulation with new stuff, what's it called, that lightweight stuff cheap ice chests are made of? Then put up new ceiling panels.

I have a 20 year background in construction work and am familiar with the use of many tools.

I don't want to disturb any of the framing or cabinetry if I can help it but I do want to get a good look behind the ceiling and upper walls.

Of course I want to seal the roof. Replace damaged roof vents, caulk all the cracks, and at the present time I believe the liquid sealer that you can apply with a paint roller is what I should use cross that job off the list. If I am wrong I need to know ASAP (actually, no, as I said I'm in no hurry but it's been raining a lot here in Western NC, which sort of gives me a sense of urgency).

For taking down wall and ceiling panels without disturbing anything else I have a secret weapon, which, sorry, I can't remember what it's called, but I first saw it on a late night infomercial. Expensive, made in Germany. However Harbor Freight jumped into the fray with a much more affordable unit, which is what I have got. It's the little vibrating back and forth thingy to which you can attach various blades. Anybody here know what I am talking about? You can cut around switches and light fixtures without having to remove them.

So, to repeat, I want to take my time here, at some point I'll be looking at building a custom bed and a custom desk in this thing, but those are topics for a future thread.

Thoughts, anyone? :)
  • Perhaps you mean a sawzall or reciprocating saw?
    good luck!
  • You could be looking at spending $5,000+ to restore the motorhome.

    You might be better off buying something a little less mileage and newer. . . Something without the problems of roof leaks.

    Something without a carburetor too! Going up into the mountains with fuel injection works so much better. And OVERDRIVE! This brings down the engine RPM and it will run quieter, and better MPG.

    The thirty something RV you are looking at will not get great mileage, might have a problem finding 16.5" tires to fit your rims, might be over it's GVWR before loading it with supplies, among other problems such as the steel rims not rated for Radial tires! Engine mounts that might allow it to move around a bit, steering box flex.

    With the motorhome side, the "Converter" is not voltage regulated, and will boil the battery dry if you forget to fill it with water each month, and have it plugged into 120 volt power. 105 volt power will not charge the coach battery at all - so the new ones are better!
