wa8yxm wrote:
Suspects: Neutral Start Switch, Overweight.
True fictional story.. Gus Wilson's Model Garage (Feature of Popular Mechanics back in teh 60's) Had an overweight customer who's car kept stalling out.. His wife said he needed to loose weight, Since she never had that problem. Gus agreed,, Sort of.
He had a key ring that would have done a class A motor home proud (Think about all those keys) the weight of all those keys had damaged the ignition switch.
NOW in this case the lock operated the switch directly.. On many vehicles today the actualy switch is operated by a push/pull cable which is pushed by a rack as and the key turns a pinion gear,, This should be immune to overweight key rings.
Still.. My Mechanics always caution me about that when I hand in my box of keys on a ring.. Till they find the additional key that's still in the ignition with nothign on it but a tape flag.
Very Interesting,I only have 4 small keys on my ring ( basement locks, door locks). They don't seem to be that heavy, but I am going to make a ring just for the ignition. You never know !!!