I'm on my fourth Class B and in the past I've rented Class A's. Love the size, handling, connivence, etc. My current one goes any place a car can go and many places a Class A or Class C can't go. Yeah, it doesn't go off-road but for that I just tow my Jeep Wrangler or my motorcycle. I camped many years in tents when I was a ScoutMaster and see the Class B as an upgrade to a fiberglass tent. Plus when I get to the destination and set the parking brake my camp is set up and the beer in the fridge is cold so I'm ready to have fun. It's great for one person or two very friendly people, and so far my GF has been friendly enough on trips that we've never come close to killing each other. She didn't think she'd like camping or RVing but after a couple of trips and vacations she's sold and planning out our trips for the next couple of years.