I'll add another response from an actual B owner.
Not for everybody, but perfect for us. We like things that are low hassle. One of us has arthritis in the hip and wrist, so we want easy. We stay on the move sightseeing and are spending about three to four months per year traveling in the van. Leave next Weds for my first-ever visit to Yellowstone!
What I like best about the B is - we USE it. We use it - a LOT - because it is simple. Fast set up, tear down. Goes into most any campsite. (No need to trim tree branches.) Gets average of 23 mpg so we can go well over 500 mi. Between fill ups. Both of us can drive it. We use it as a second car, and park it in our driveway. No HOA problem. So - cleaning, stocking, unloading - easy.
We had other non-essential toys like boats. We enjoyed them, used them, but not like we use the van. Someone once warned me not to add up the costs of owning our boat and divide by the days actually used, because the cost per day of use would give me a heart attack. I have a feeling the cost per day used on our van will make me smile when we turn over the keys someday.
Yes, they are expensive but you can find decent deals used and cut the price in half or better. Ours popped up for sale a few miles from our home. They hold their value and are in demand. I don't see rusted Sprinters by the side of the road.
The things that concerned me a little before owning one, like storage, tank size and servicing turned out to be non-issues.