Quote - Ground clearance has been mentioned, and that does concern me somewhat. I chose a TT with about 10" of clearance below the dump valves, passing on a similar TT with about 5.5" clearance as inadequate. You B owners, what is your typical ground clearance below the plumbing? - Unquote.
Went out to the driveway - looks like about 8.5" at the sewer pipe, forward of the rear wheel well on the driver's side. Rear part of the van rises to about 12." (Better than our Nissan Altima sedan.) Can't speak for other van companies or model years.
OP, you are right that setup time varies by circumstances. To me it is about as complicated as parking a car. We sightsee during the day and do not consider it a big hassle to back into the site and plug in an electric cord. And as you say, when dry camping, a moot point.
We only hook up water when we refill the tank. We rarely pay for full hookups, because it is easy to dump at a station on the way out.