Forum Discussion

dennyida's avatar
Aug 21, 2014

inspection before trips

Hi to all from Denny and the wee blonde Ida, Just wanted to pass something on to new RV`ers that might save them some problems before a trip weather it be near or far. When I was in the Air Force and a crew chef on a C-130 it was a rule that the plane was inspected top to bottom, front to rear, inside and out before and after a mission. I took that idea with me when I got out. To this day I still do an inspection of our car, truck, boat and motor home before we go any place. Last Monday the wee blonde and I were just about ready to leave on a three day camping trip with our Granite Ridge when I did my walk around inspection of the motor home when I found the exhaust pipe for the generator laying on the ground right under and back of the driver side cab door. I told the wee blonde it would be a while because I found the leather strap that goes between the pipe bracket and the frame had rotted and broke. A quick trip to our local muffler shop for a new strap and we were on our way. The point being ALLWAYS LOOK AT YOUR RIG BEFORE AND AFTER A TRIP!!! That little strap could have been very expensive if I would not have seen it . Happy Camping from Denny and the wee blonde Ida
  • For a newbe, is there a site that has a checklist that I can print out then add to for my own rig?
  • Very good idea and presented with style!

    I am trying to get in the habit of walking around the rig before starting it because I can't always remember to stow the step and MIL's handrail. Also look at the tires and compartment doors.

    Do we have a lit of things to check before starting a trip? Tire pressures, oil, windshield washer, radiator, house water and batteries and what else?
  • Hi Escargot, Sorry it took me so long to reply to your question on weather Ida was a person or a dog but I was still recovering from the fry pan to the head when my wee blond found me laughing on the floor from your question. In an answer to that my wee blonde is my better half, my beautiful little blond, born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland. She has been my partner, my friend and the one who keeps me on the straight and narrow for the past 32 years. She puts a smile on my face every day. Yes she is my WEE BLONDE Happy and safe travels and we will see you on the road, Denny and the wee blonde Ida
  • Yep. I always do a walk-around before take off as well as after landing.

    PS Is "Ida" a person or a dog? Confused.
  • Dennyida, welcome aboard! You've given perhaps some of the best advice I've seen in awhile...and this forum if full of good advice!
  • Before for I move the RV even 6 inches I do a thorough walk around to make sure I am not going to run over anything, yank an umbilical, hit a tree limb, dump the contents of an open bin, etc. Look UNDER the RV for stuff that has migrated happens. I'm in aviation too and we take our preflight checks seriously. You can do a lot of damage to an RV through inattention or being in a rush.

    Speaking of not rushing things, hooking up the toad is something that should be done with utmost care and concentration. I have had folks come up and talk to me while I'm setting up the toad and I end up going through the checks from start to finish again after a distraction. I've read of guys destroying toad engines by towing them in gear, steering locked, etc. I don't want to be that guy.
  • Always a good idea to check all six sides of the RV before moving it, as well as giving the tires a good visual. No one wants to be that guy (or gal) who shears their TV antenna off on an overpass or tree branch.
  • I get on my creeper frequently and scoot under my vehicles, wife always ask's what are you looking for? Too many times I see rigs

    broken down and wonder if a hose squeeze or fan belt tug could have prevented that. Also I keep a spare fan belt in the closet.
  • Seems to be a good idea. I was cutting the grass the other week and happened to look over at the mh and noticed some wires hanging down. Crawled under and found they had been held up by zip cords which had deteriorated. Always good to check things out.