The Yamaha EF2400iS was designed to run a 13,500 BTU A/C unit. You can do the same thing with 2 Honda 2KW generators running in parallel, but that setup costs more, and requires twice the maintenance.
Yamaha has improved their 2400W model, which has become the EF2400iSHC, which now has even greater hard start capabilities.
The 2400W model has an aluminum engine and frame. It weighs about 75 lbs. That's half of what the 3000W model weighs. I purchased my generator in 2006, and it still performs perfectly. Details of the testing I've done is here: used it for years with our travel trailer.
I also have a larger Champion 7500W generator for home emergency power use. Because of the fuel consumption, and MUCH greater noise, I limit its use as much as possible. If I need to run the pool pump, water heater, dryer, etc., I'll fire it up, otherwise I'll use the Yamaha.
During the past two hurricanes, we powered appliances in my father's house with the Yamaha generator, when the grid went down.
Can't say enough good things about this generator. It's a lot more expensive than a Champion 3500W model, but it's lighter, uses less fuel per hour, and is FAR quieter. Every 3dB is twice the sound energy. The Yamaha is rated at 53-58 dB. The Champion is 68 dB. So at full load, the Yamaha is 58 dB, double the sound would be 61 dB, double it again, 64 dB, again, 67 dB. The Champion 7500W I have, is 74 dB! If you want a quiet generator, buy one up front. Don't buy a cheap one and think you can add a muffler to get the same sound performance. Many of us have tried... which is why I finally bought the Yamaha. :W