pauldub wrote:
Somewhere on the interwebs there is a formula for overall length versus wheelbase that is supposed to suggest how well the vehicle will track. Someone has decided that there is a particular ratio that is desirable. I don't know how valid it is or how one would easily decide what is good. It might be worth searching for it and see if it seems reasonable. If you had CG location, I don't know how you make a valid decision as to whether or not it was good or bad.
What you are referring to is the WB/L ratio. You divide the WB in ins to overall length in ins to get the ratio. For example a 24 ft MH would have a WB usually of 159 ins and an overall length of 288 in. That would yield a ratio of .55 or 55% which is suppose to be very good(More than 50%). However many on here report the front end is too light as previous posters have noted which causes handling issues. I was after actual axle weights which I have not found on mfg web sites or on the MH I was interested in. Knowing the CG only helps to estimate the weight distribution.