It certainly is normal to be somewhat affected by side winds (including passing semis). However, it's also entirely possible that the problem is exacerbated by poor design, poor weight distribution, or poor alignment/suspension setup or both. There's not a lot you can do about a poor design (things like having too long of a rear overhang relative to the length of the vehicle), but there may be things you can do rather easily in the other areas to improve matters.
Checking the weights involves weighing the axles separately and rearranging cargo as much as practical to even things out; in particular, having too little weight on the front axle can lead to all sorts of handling annoyances. If the fresh water tank is well aft of the rear axle, traveling with little fresh water would be one way to help. Moving stuff to forward compartments or cabinets also helps.
Having the alignment and suspension checked by a competent suspension shop--one that deals with trucks preferably--would possibly help things as well. The Ford E series chassis in particular sometimes come from the builders with insufficient caster for motorhome service; ask them to adjust that towards the high end of the specification. Other suspension upgrades may also help a lot depending on the specific situation and vehicle.
No matter what is done, it's simply not going to behave like a little car in these situations, as is only to be expected given the much larger side area of a motorhome.