I suspect that in at least some cases the OP doesn't thank anyone because no one actually bothered to answer the question he posed. I can't count the number of posts I've seen with page after page of totally irrelevant responses. Usually, they go something like this:
"Hi, I want to install a widget on my MH. I've looked at products from "A", "B", "C", and "D" and have concluded that "A" offers the best product for my particular circumstances. Can anyone tell me where I can buy an "A" widget?"
What often follows are four pages of responses in less than 24 hours in which various people: a) ask him if he has looked at "B"... or perhaps even "E", b) tell him that "C" works best for their own personal use, c) try to convince him that a 5th wheel would be better than a MH, d) ask the OP why he thinks he needs a widget in the first place, or e) simply tell him that they tried "A" and it didn't work for them... often without explaining what they found lacking about the "A" widget.
Fifty posts later, not one single person has provided the OP with a source for purchasing the widget he desires. So, yeah... I'm not too surprised when the OP sometimes offers no thanks to anyone.
My advice to my fellow forum members? PLEASE, read the original post carefully and then answer the question... if you can. If, after answering the question, you still want to include an opinion regarding the subject as well, that's OK. IF... after reading through five pages of posts you feel compelled to comment on the topic, first go back and re-read the original post - ask yourself whether or not your comment will help the OP.