We have a 2000 Fleetwood bounder, 36S
I like this idea of using jackstands…
Can I put them under the hydraulic levelers if they are in the “up” position?
Our hydraulic levelers in the front are leaking. They do not keep the RV level they constantly drift down. Now they are leaking.
I plan on selling the RV in about two years. I really don’t want to spend the money I was quoted $1800 for each. I was told the parts are no longer available and need to be rebuilt.
I met a truck driver at the laundromat… He told me to use Jack Stands
He suggested we put them “under” the existing RV levelers … (Once I put them in the position)
Well that is if they go up!!! :(. … I haven’t tried them yet…
They have been slowly leaking for 2 months. I have cat litter in the “well” part, I clean it out and replace every week
I hope that they eventually stop leaking
Right now I feel like I’m living on a mountain
Thank you for any feedback you can provide.