oldave wrote:
Come on guys use your brain .
If you use a 30 amp adapter it will only plug into a 30 amp receptacle .
A 30 amp receptacle will only let you have 30 amps of elect .
You will not be able to run all your stuff at one time , it'll be like
the old days .
Should we run the front air or the rear air.
The OP knows all this that's why he titled this thread " Just Venting "
Ivylog wrote:
Buy a 50 to 30 adapter and a 30amp cord...back to the good old days and problem solved.
The suggestion was to use a 50 amp to 30 amp adapter. This works fine in a 30 amp rig as the feed to the RV is 50 amps at 120 volts, the cable is protected by the 30 amp min breaker in the RV.
Now if you have a 50 amp to 30 amp at the box, and change the end to plug into a 50 amp connector at the RV, the RV will have a double 50 amp breaker allowing the RV to draw 50 amps over the 10 gauge wire, effectively turning it into a melted mess. either the 30 amp cable needs to be plugged into a 30 amp receptacle, or a 50 amp cable needs to be used.