I know there are many in our throw away when it gets old society who would say "Anybody over xx years old is TOO OLD TO DRIVE"
Well, this is fact: I was shopping last Wed and happened to check out behind a Deputy Sheriff.. Good looking female one at that.. But that's another topic. Someone mentioned having a job you liked and I mentioned that is important. The question was ask WHY... So I had the Deputy guess my age (50).. I had to tell her she was off a bit (I'm 65) and then I explained what I did, and one of the reasons I liked it (She approved.. I am a retired police dispatcher, We (She and I) help people sleep better.. You can sleep better cause we put the criminals in the place they wish not to go.. They (the criminals) can sleep better cause, well, last night they had to worry about someone like her tossing their sorry anatomy in the slammer.. Tonight, they do not have to worry about that, as they go to sleep.... in the slammer.
Well the same applies to driving.. i knwo people far younder than I who likely should not drive.. And people far older who are still safe on the road.
So. I can not tell you if you are safe to drive based on your age.... I can tell you your children and perhaps some friends, people who have seen you, know you, and have the abilty to properly evaluate you might still get it wrong.
My mother In Law drove till she was at least Mid-80's Then Advancing Senile Dementia (Alzimer's) made her dangerous.. My Wife, Daughter and I took over driving her wherever she needed to go.. We did such a good job that the battery in her car went flat and she never noticed.