I'm reminded of one of the better sales pitch's for buying a timeshare, it will force you to take a vacation... keeping it will be much the same and NO I do not own any Tshares.
It sounds like someone does not want you to retire so in order to stay on I'd require longer times off. Easy for me to say. Can what you do be done by computer from where ever? Is another four years of income that important?
One of the life changing events in my life was when my father suddenly died at age 61. After many years of 24/7 as a farmer he had finally gotten to a point where he could take time off. I do thank the family farmers for all the hours they put in BUT I did not follow that path. We made traveling a priority and have been in all of North America and 70 other countries... so far.
OP, what's most important to you and your wife? Only you'll can decide but I'd keep it and use it.
*PS how many more winters do you want to spend in Winchester, ON when you could be spending them like... click on "How I spend the winter" below?????