Do you have any warning lights on when this happens. They used to use a double solenoid per cylinder. The system uses 8 individual solenoids (2 for each cylinder, 1 for extend, 1 for retract). They use a true double-acting cylinder, not a regenerative cylinder. By this I mean there are two hydraulic lines to each cylinder to reverse fluid flow for extend/retract. The pump does not reverse as in some systems, instead it uses a 4 way valve to shift fluid direction. In other words, the fluid is always running the same direction thru the pump - it's up to the 4 way valve to "shift" the fluid flow to the opposite side of the manifold (retract), and for each cylinders solenoid valve to close on the opposite side. When extending, all the retract solenoids/valves close and the extend solenoids open. Opposite for retract. You can take the two from the front and switch out and if the error goes to the front then one or both solenoids are bad. Ensure the jacks are all up before you start and remove power. Check to see when you remove the solenoid to ensure there is no debris in the ports. If you have manual you can see how this works.