You might wish to go to
Michigan DNR and check out the state parks along the route, Depending on your rig some of them are very lovely and reasonable, Generally Electric at site, may have water or may have "Luggable" water, and a dump station (no full hookup, no wi-fi).
And of course many private parks up and down the sore.
If you have time cross over to the UP. (As you go over the bridge you see two of the Great lakes, Michigan on the left, Huron on the right) look on your UP map for a town called Paradise (you'll be glad you made it) and just to the left is another state park (No, i'm not about to try and spell the name of that river). In terms of GPM, those falls are 2nd only to Niagara. Lovely golden falls. About a half mile from where you park your car though.