Doug you may, in fact, be an exceptional, experienced, and well trained RV tech. I think the OP makes it pretty clear that is is more than qualified to handle the task, also. That said, the righteous indignation you rant about needs to be weighed against what most of us face. That being that there is a significant percentage of "certified RV techs." out there that do little but stumble around and screw things up, while the company they work for collects $120/HR and more, for the clown show they preform. I'm not a space ship mechanic, but a homebuilder, electrician and plumber. I have yet to have any of my rigs end up in the shop for repairs, once they are out of warranty, for several reasons. First, I have yet to encounter a mechanical issue that I can't resolve. Second, when I have had new rigs repaired, under warranty, there is a fifty-fifty shot that they will correct the problem. I have repeated had to rework and correct screwed up workmanship from factory certified techs. Nothing personal, but when you start with "how dare you" I'm not the only one that chuckles. If you are as good as you claim, you know darn well that you are surrounded by monkies wearing the same uniform you are. If not, both you and your shop are an exception.