Big leak or small weeping leak?
If big leak, remove jack, plug line, take to hydraulic shop and hope that they can get the parts. Rebuilding one is not too hard. Take care when you remove it as they are heavy. If you can temporarily support the jack on some wood blocks while removing it will make the job easier. When you re-install, just top up the fluid level, cycle the jacks a few times checking the fluid each time you retract. This will bleed the air out of the system.
If a small leak and you want one or a few more trip(s) out of it.....extend fully, clean shaft throughly and look for any crud in the area where the ram goes into the base cylinder. Coat the shaft liberally with brake fluid and retract. Repeat this operation several times.
The brake fluid will swell the seal slightly. I nursed one for about 6 months with this method. If you use this method, take some additional fluid with you on the camping trip just in case.
Good luck with your repair.