hoss-n-dawgs wrote:
If the back wheels of my RV are 1.75% lower than the front wheels (Clinometer app on my cell phone). Assuming that there is 20 feet between the front and back wheels. How high would I need to raise the back wheels to level the RV? Assume that the RV is level from side to side.
Not sure what 1.75% is, been way too long since I worked with slopes.
1.75% times 20 times 12 = 1.75% times 240 = 4.2 inches, 2-3 2x planks (At 1.5 inch each) should do it.
I built stair steps for my rig The planks are the same width as the tire tread 2x"tread width".
one foot
Two foot long
And one that is 3 feet
Glued together you back or drive onto them as much as needed.