jauguston wrote:
The question noone has asked is -- do you have air suspension and if so are you dumping all the air and lowering the coach before you start leveling???
Its a Suncruiser, no Air Suspension.
Goto a place that you feel should be level and try to use the auto leveler and see if it will level, then verify with your hand level. I think your RV is fine.
I think the driveway has more slope then you think, there is slope not only front to back but side to side as well. If you have to manually level it with blocks and verify it with a level I don't think the auto level feature is broke. All it takes is one jack to fully extend and the autolevel feature will not function properly. I would lower the jacks, make measurements from the ground to body in all 4 corners. Then lift the RV to level and measure all corners again. I bet you will see a huge difference on all 4 corners.