Forum Discussion

Desert_Captain's avatar
Explorer III
Sep 17, 2016

Loneliest road in America....Highway 50 across Nevada

Always wanted to drive Highway 50 and finally got er done. Traveling from Tucson to northern California we went north through Flagstaff on I-17 and then 89 to 89A to Jacob Lake - 47 miles north of the North Rim. The CG there is nice and only $9 a night with our Geezer card.

Day two took us west to I-15 and then north to Cedar City where we picked up 56 west which connected with 93. 93 this time of year could nearly match 50 for the title of loneliest road, we drove for nearly 100 miles and only saw few vehicles in either direction, good road but much of a shoulder. Connected with 50 and headed west with a brief stop for fuel at Ely. Made it to Austin after passing through Eureka, which are just about the only towns for hundreds of miles. We covered just under 500 miles and the road is spectacular.... but very, very empty.

On 50 you climb and drop over and over again crossing numerous mountain ranges. The passes are usually around 7,500' followed by long stretches of laser straight flat land mostly at or above 6,000'. I wouldn't recommend attempting this drive in the winter. Drive on the top half of the tank wherever possible but our 55 gallons of fuel made this a non issue.

The so called RV parks are pretty low end and we stopped at small campground just east of Austin, $5 a night. Day three was an easy drive through Reno and finally up and over the Donner pass to our friends home outside of Grass Valley. Spent 12 days with our friends on their 6+ acres and had a blast... hard to beat the Friends and Family RV Park. Panned for gold, and yes we got some, from Deer Creek that runs through his property. Got in a couple of rounds of golf and did some target shooting as well.

We drove the 160 miles out to the coast to the Olema CG, a very nice CG with full and partial hookups. We are here meeting friends and will be attending their daughters wedding tomorrow before heading down Highway 1 to Moss Landing and then down through Big Sur, Morro Bay and ultimately to Pismo Beach before turning east back towards Arizona.

It's been a fantastic trip so far and are looking forward to more spectacular miles. I'll post some pics when we return. Our Nexus Phantom 23P has been its usual perfect in every way. Should be close to a month and 3,000 miles by the time we get home... for a week before heading up to Angel Fire in northeastern NM for a week with more friends.

Life is good!

  • Another one we enjoyed in Nevada is 375 - the Extraterrestrial Highway:

    We've been across I80, but will have to take 50 one of these days.
  • Loved 50, it was lonely driving, the way we prefer cross country driving. Crossed it in July.

    Spent the night in a roadside park near Eureka. We drove around the little town and was impressed by the high school. It was the "Home of the Vandals" and had windows overlooking the desert. They graduated 17 last year, we were told by the trailer coffee lady.
    The rabbits are much bigger than ours, too.

    On the drive, I saw what I thought was an eagles nest. then a bit later I saw the eagle! I wasn't sure if it was a golden or juvenile bald eagle. I asked the ranger at Great Basin Nat'l Park. I have only known Bald eagles to live in tall woodland areas. The rangers looked it up, sure enough both kinds do live in the region!
    BTW Great Basin Nat'l Park is a Dark Park. They had a wonderful night program with powerful telescopes. We also liked the cave tour, too.

    Mike Leslie- Michigan
  • D.C.,
    good to see posts like this right in the C forum

    looking at your rig, i am wondering about pros and cons when compared to a TC on a PU...i am sure you get this question a lot, but woud love to learn more bout it, if you have the time

    obviously, the walk-thru is the #1 plus..
  • I took it early last spring and enjoyed it. My favorite roads are the lonely ones. :)
  • Yup, Hwy 50 is one of our favorite drives-- have done it several times.

    You will be using lower gears and engine brake! Well worth it.