Our trips usually lasted 2-3 months and covered 5000-7000 miles. We very seldom would stay more than a day or two at one location before we were on our way again. We never made reservation and never had a set schedule or destination. We would just leave Florida, head West, and tried to follow a route that we had not used before. Without a schedule or reservation we would just travel until we decided to stop for the day. We might decide to stop because we found a small town that we liked or because the weather was getting bad. This is one of the reasons why we preferred a Class A. Even if it was pouring down rain, we could just stop, fire up the generator, and have everything we needed without getting soaked trying to set up for the night. Naturally if we were stopping in an RV park during the rain we would wait for a break and then go out and hook up the electric so that we did not need the generator. We always traveled with full or close to full water tanks and only hooked up to water or sewer to fill our tank or empty our waste. This prevented freezing problems since we traveled mostly during the Winter months. We pulled a Chevrolet HHR behind our coach which provided enough room for our 100+ pound dog as well as provided a comfortable and fuel efficient vehicle for us to tour an area. With our Class A we had all of the conveniences of home with satellite TV, wifi, a comfortable bed, comfortable seating, and plenty of room for us and our big dog. By not having a destination or a schedule we found that our trips were always relaxing and provided us with new adventures each time we were on the road. We found that there are many things to experience during each trip that would never be listed in a travel brochure. It also meant that we could drive when we wanted to and just sit and relax if we decided that is what we needed.