+1 there. I've looked at a few B+ models, and even though they tend to be more expensive (and often on the Sprinter chassis), having the cabover for storage space is hard to beat.
Some class C models can come sans bed, but with an entertainment center, and behind that, a lot of storage space (only 300-500 pounds weight limit, so it isn't a place to toss too much stuff, but is ideal for bedding and other light, bulky items.
I prefer a class "C" over a B+, for this reason. Storage is precious on a motorhome, especially a smaller one, so even though it might lose a MPG due to the less streamlined front, having the cabover space is worth it.
One idea I have seen someone do, (which is very similar to Jim Shoe's implementation) is pulling out the mattress, cutting Dri-Dek to fit (it would be held in by the lip that keeps the mattress in place), then storing light items in plastic tubs, with the webbing that was designed to keep wee ones from falling off used to keep the tubs in place. The Dri-Dek is used because it gives space for air to circulate underneath (hopefully helping mitigate moisture buildup), the plastic tubs would provide a good place to stash things that are needed, but are not often accessed.
With this setup, I definitely know where my emergency dry goods will wind up. Since Texas has ice storms, having a place to stash a week's worth of self-heating MREs is important, since those won't be accessed often, but when the need arises, it will be crucial to get at them.