Forum Discussion

Alford2275's avatar
Sep 16, 2015

Looking for HD Satellite for RV. Suggestions

We need to get a satellite to mount on our RV so when we travel we can watch TV. We have Direct TV and I would like a system that will show HD channels. I don't want an in motion system but a stationary one that can be mounted. What satellite do you recommend? I am looking to spend around $500 or so. I want a good system and so I am looking for suggestions. THANK YOU!!
  • The carryout can be mounted on your roof. The roof mount is $50.
  • Mounting a dish or dome on your roof always adds considerable expense to the purchase. We have a Winegard Carryout and it works just fine. It's not HD, but then we're not interested in an HD experience when camping.

    If you're willing to set up a Carryout and can forego the HD, you'll probably be able to stay within your budget, or close to it.
  • With Direct you have only two choices. 200 dollar ground antenna system or a 1600 dollar automatic Winegard SK-SWM. There are plusses and minuses for both.
  • You'll want something like THIS HD is going to cost you.

    I went with Dish as it's cheaper and HD channels on the portable dishes.
  • Alford2275 wrote:
    We need to get a satellite to mount on our RV so when we travel we can watch TV. We have Direct TV and I would like a system that will show HD channels. I don't want an in motion system but a stationary one that can be mounted. What satellite do you recommend? I am looking to spend around $500 or so. I want a good system and so I am looking for suggestions. THANK YOU!!

    If you mean roof mounted then you are looking at a fully automatic system and it's going to cost around $2000 installed or you can install it yourself for around $1500. If you don't need it roof mounted and you can do the setup and pointing, and you have room to carry all the equipment, you can buy a tripod mounted home style antenna which you manually setup and point at each new location.
    Winegard is the leader in the roof mounted automatic (Trav'ler) but there is a small boutique company called RF Mogul which also makes a similar antenna. You will have to search long and hard to find a dealer/installer and then again if you ever need repairs, but they are out there and have some rabid fans.
  • Alford.....You can get DirecTV HD by using the oval HD dish. The problem is, it can't be done in your price range. You can buy or even get for free a DirecTV HD dish, but you would have to put it on a mount and aim it yourself each time you wanted to use it. Winegard makes an automatic model that mounts on your roof, but that one is going to be about $1200-$1500 plus installation.
  • I think you'll find that the Winegard system will cost you around $2,000 installed.

    Consider a dish on a tripod with a SWM LNB setup.
  • Check out Transit style adjustable tripod and folding LNB arm SWM dish. An unbeatable combination.
  • $500 won't even get close a HD unit.
    $1500 if you find a good price and that's with you installing it.
    Wineguard traveler for direct tv HD. I believe there one other company but you still looking at 4 figures.