Forum Discussion

Larrysr1957's avatar
Jul 21, 2019

Loss of Transmission fluid

I have a 1997 Fleetwood Bounder with a Ford 460 engine. After driving over 300 miles when we arrived to our destination I parked the motor home at our campsite, I turned off the engine and a lot of transmission fluid poured out of the bottom of the transmission bell housing onto the ground. Can anyone help me diagnose the problem before I get it to a transmission shop. I am in Orlando Florida am going to try and find a shop Monday morning 07/21/2019
  • Fleet Man wrote:
    Did you do a bunch of maneuvering and backing up before you shut things down. If you did, you overheated the transmission and puking fluid out the front seal is not uncommon. If your fluid is still nice and bright and does not smell burned, top it off and press on. I had a similar experience with my F-250. Scared me too but operated normally after it cooled down and was topped off. The Diesel Stop web site has many similar stories.

    I would try this also rather than thinking the worst. You never know...hope it is okay.
  • Did you do a bunch of maneuvering and backing up before you shut things down. If you did, you overheated the transmission and puking fluid out the front seal is not uncommon. If your fluid is still nice and bright and does not smell burned, top it off and press on. I had a similar experience with my F-250. Scared me too but operated normally after it cooled down and was topped off. The Diesel Stop web site has many similar stories.
  • Hopefully it is still under some kind of drivetrain warranty. If it is then definitely get it looked at before it hits 60,000.

    Can you verify it's coming out of the bell housing? Of could it be coming out of the dipstick tube and running down to the transmission?
  • The fluid and filter have not been changed it only has 57,000 miles on it. I thought that is a 100,000 mile service
  • Did you ever change the fluid or the pan filter? Bet not. Slushboxes have to be the most neglected component in any vehicle, until the fail that is. Yours failed, time for AAMCO and a wallet reduction too.
  • If it's coming out the bell housing, it could be coming from the front pump gasket, and/or pump seal, and/or the torque converter seal.

    Any or all of these 3 involve dropping the transmission to repair. It cannot be done any other way.