Forum Discussion

kgard1225's avatar
May 02, 2015

love bug protection

Any thoughts on protecting the radiator from love bugs or other pests? I have thought of making a frame and stapling some window screen to it. They are terrible in Florida right now.
  • I don't look at guys. Don't care if they're ugly but my agenda should I run for office is "Ugly women can't drive Corvettes and neither can fat bald men over 50. I've owned big trucks and we used bug screens on them and only washed the truck once a week. Wax the rest and try to wax the radiator. Love bugs were there first.
  • I put window screen on the back side of the grill in our gas MH using stainless steel wire. I have to open it up and use a water hose to blast the bugs of the screen from the back side. It works well its amazing how many bugs that it stops from reaching the radiator and I also dont worry about catching a rock in the radiator. It also stops bugs from getting to the air filter I just checked it and no bugs in it after about 4,000 miles.
  • Thanks to all. I'll try to fit some screen in front of the radiator and see what happens,
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    I know of only one way to protect from Love Bugs.. It is the Mason/Dixon method

    They seem to hang out SOUTH of the M/D line, so if you go NORTH of it Say Wisconson, or Northern,MI......
  • Window screen is the best to keep the bugs out of the radiator. After you pass through an area of love bugs it is a good idea to check the screen so that you do not restrict air flow to your radiator. Keep an eye on your temperature gauge since any increase in temperature will be due to air restrictions, and NOT hill climbing.
    Try to do your travels early in the morning before the little buggers wake up.
    The cooking spray "PAM" works well to keep the bugs from sticking to your paint
  • How is a "wax job" going to stop bugs from plugging up the radiator? Strap on bug screens used to be available in regions where love bugs were bad. Haven't checked lately.
  • It's not the bugs, it's the bug juice that causes the problem. Screen will clog and engine will heat up some as mentioned in the earlier post. As a long time FL resident (60 yr), the best solution I have found so far is a good coat or two of wax. Wash off bug juice daily and you should be OK. And yes, I have tried the "dryer sheets", the "Pam" and a dozen other remedies but other problems are created when using some of the remedies. Keep the front end waxed and rinsed daily would be my advice.
  • I have put window screen on all my vehicles since back in the 70s. I no longer live there but still have screen to protect the radiator. You are going to get a lot of it going to run hot. I live in southern New Mexico and it get hot 110 plus and the vehicle still works with the AC and none of them run hot. Now for the rest of the vehicle, just clean them off daily.