Forum Discussion

2_Peeps's avatar
Aug 28, 2017

Low Air Pressure Alarm

New member today, I hope I'm posting this question correctly. I just purchased a 2007 HR Ambassador 40SKT. The low air pressure light functions properly but the alarm doesn't. Are there any other sensors or conditions that may override or prevent the operation of the alarm when the coach is parked and in nuetral?
  • Thanks for the 2 responses. As a newbie to this site I'm having a little trouble navigating with confidence. I posted the query again with a little more detail. Looking foreward to any more responses the members may have.
  • A bunch of micro-processors at play here. I am not sure if you are asking if there is a problem with light coming on and no alarm or what. Being parked and in neutral puzzles me.
    In my case, a 2001 Newmar Kountry Star DP problem. We started on a trip and the light came on, loud alarm and gauge went to 0. Intermentent. When I took it in to Freightliner, they replaced the rear tank processor. However, there was an issue with that processor communicating with the engine processor and I ended up with 45,000 miles less on the odometer. Fed regs prohibit adjusting.
    In your case, I wonder if someone disabled the warning. If so, I strongly urge you to rectify that because you don't want to loose pressure and not know it. Any way, you need to have it checked because of the above. Better safe with an irritating alarm than an actual issue without knowing it.
  • Someone may have disconnected it because it was obnoxious, especially if the low air light is still working. It's like getting rid of the buzzers in cars for lights being on or the key in the ignition.
