Forum Discussion

LetsRV's avatar
Feb 14, 2015

LP Generator (back fire??)

Have an LP generator (Generac 6.6).
Rarely use it. Do not exercise it. Have gone months without starting it. It is 12 years old. When I have used it has never failed to start right up.

Last time I went to let it run and charge batteries it again started right up ran great for about a minute or two and then seemed to start backfiring and finally shut down. Did this twice with same result.

Any suggestions or comments as to the issue. Will take it to dealer for repair but wondering what I might be getting myself into or at least some suggestions as to problems.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Some engines still have breaker point ignition systems,,, These are still more common than folks know.

    If this is one of those, failure to exercise can cause the points to tarnish and as they heat up things change and.. Well... No predicting what happens.

    Someone up-thread mentioned the condenser... This is another component that changes value if not exercised.
  • eHoefler wrote:
    The condenser is bad. A $3.00 part at any parts store.

    Was just sitting here thinking, back firing, lean or ignition spark & sometimes a spark plug will cause that.
    I bet your right on the condenser.

    Did the Generac engines still use points & condenser ignition 12 years ago. I know most every other small engine went electronic in the early 90s.
  • crasster wrote:
    May be a gummy carb or something else causing back pressure.
    My first thought also but it's described as propane generator in a diesel coach. Would expect the fuel system to be spotless along with the exhaust.

    Oil level would be my first check also or maybe a temperature sensor. A generator may backfire at shut down so hard to say if that is a symptom or not. How is the propane level? On the edge of empty? Any fault codes? At 12 years the ignition system might be at the end of it's useful life. Spark plug wire(s) could be arcing to ground.

    Before you make the drive to an RV shop call the local small engine repair shops or the whole house generator service techs and find out if they will work on it. Considering this is their bread and butter you'll get more bang for the buck and probably same day service.
  • May be a gummy carb or something else causing back pressure.

    What I would do is make sure the oil is good first. Then I'd add a bit of marvel mystery oil (in correct amounts) to the fuel. I'd also add it to the oil. It's a great cleaner with a lot of detergents. Often it clears up carb/engine problems for me.... and I have a ton of engines around the farm here.