Forum Discussion

TheVoiceNinja's avatar
Mar 21, 2017

Luxury vs. Mid-level Pushers

Good morning, all!

We've spent the past year or so looking at and refining our lifestyle and my income sources so that we can spend 4 to 5 months per year on the road with our two young sons (4 and 8 years old). Everything seems to be lining up quite nicely:

  • We have minimal debt on our stick and brick home.
  • We home school the boys.
  • I have two primary sources of income, which are both mobile - voiceovers and communication/change management consulting.
  • I travel quite a bit for business, so we can leverage some tax and reimbursement benefits from business travel in a motorhome.

We've decided that we want a Diesel pusher with 3 to 4 slideouts so that I have room for an office/portable vocal booth in the master bedroom and the rest of the family will have ample space to live up front.

Given that background, my question for all of you is this:

We have found floor plans that would work for us in both luxury and mid-level motorhomes. All other things being equal, similar used luxury coaches seem to run about $15,000 more than a non-luxury coach. For example, we've looked at Coachmen Cross Country and Four Winds Presidios where length, layout, engine size, etc., are all basically the same, but there's a $15K premium for the Presidio.

Do you find that the luxury lines have higher quality slides, better overall construction, etc., in the coach body itself? Or is the price increase really just for the trim and cabinets?

We don't care about the fancy tile floors, ceiling light treatment, gold fixtures, etc., so that's not worth the premium price tag. However, it may be worth the upgrade if the coach components are more durable.

I have my suspicions, but would love to hear from some of you who have long term experience in those types of motorhomes.

Thank you!
  • Effy's avatar
    Explorer II
    You didn't mention a budget but the units you mentioned are not high end. Most production models are not considered high end. Foretravel, Newell, Prevost etc are considered high end and usually hover around $500k - $2MM mark depending year and model. The units you are looking at seem to hover in the $100-200k range used. based on that you won't find a huge difference in quality. Those are production coaches and roll off an assembly line. High end coaches are just that and have custom components and cabinetry. But you pay for that. A lot.

    If your budget keeps you in the $100-200k range, the brands you want to look at are Newmar and Entegra to get to the better end of quality in a production unit. Marginally better than other brands, but noticeably lesser quality when you compare true high end brands.
  • If you an swing a factory tour, get to Entegra coach and Newmar...the difference will astound you..vs the others/
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Welcome, I would only rate a Presidio as mid level... not even high end much less luxury. There will be very little differences in the quality of the mechanical items but the number of items that are standard should be greater the further up the food chain. Often the difference is little things you have not even thought about... like a air seal door or the ability to lock/unlock all the basement bays with the push of a button. I agree much of the high end is more glitz than substance.

    For your usage I would suggest going with four slides and longer with a tag axle... more CCC and more room. Unfortunately the majority of the newer bigger DPs are bath and half resulting in a smaller LR area and a more open bedroom but the kids will have to go through the BR to shower.

    The difference in entree and mid level is $15K but mid to high is more like $50K and luxury is $250+ in used units. My recommendation is to buy more MH than you think you need... ONE TIME.
  • H'mm, Coachmen and Four Winds, Mid level and Luxury level?

    IMHO Until you start looking at true high end coaches like: Newmar, Country Coach, Monaco, or Tiffin your not to the Luxury level yet.

    A $15K difference is not that much when the coaches are in the 300K to 600K range, which is where the Luxury brands hang out.
  • A lot of it is glitz and for weekend use not a big deal. My opinion is when you start living in it for months , especially with kids, light duty plastic faucets ,hardboard walls with picture flooring material and stapled cabinets do make a difference. Is it worth it for the better quality ( if that's true in what your looking at ) ? Only you know. Entry level coaches are built for weekenders. Many people full time in them happily by making allowances for that. I think there's a higher price difference in a true luxury coach vs what you are comparing which might be entry vs mid level and that may be just glitz at that level. Look at a true luxury coach and you'll see a major difference ( and yes a lot more glitz too)