CA Traveler wrote:
JRscooby wrote:
A1ARealtorRick wrote:
Homemade stuff scares me. Huge liability exposure IMO.
1 thing about it; If it is homemade you can be sure it was made to use. Most of what is manufactured is only made to sell. Of course, a lot depends on what home it is made in.
And mfg units have millions of successful miles of usage. Which one would you prefer to have when explainig your side to the insurance company or judge?
Liability is also a consideration for me and top of the list for a toad is the aux brake.
For serious accidents professionals hired by lawyers with equipped cars measure every aspect of road variations, vehicle setup, speed, etc.
First off, the post I quoted appeared to disparage "homemade" in general, not just towing systems. Most things that are manufactured serve there propose well. Others, as soon as money goes across the counter they have done all they are designed to do. Much that is sold is advertised as universal fit. Most think that always means it will fit all applications. But what it means is it is never a exact fit. Often a handy person can build something that does exactly what he wants, and will work better for him than store bought.
As for liability, the guy that lays the money down is going to assume that whoever built it did it right. Might even read the directions. If you are using something you built you know how it is supposed to look/work. If something is going wrong he is more likely to be aware if something is going wrong. This, IMHO, reduces the chance of accident.
Accident, you are using storebought. The injured party names you in the suit. You try to pass responsibility to the corporation that made it. Likely, if you are using defective equipment the injured party will win. But as most courts are likely to find in favor of the corporation.