I made a shade out of the silver foil/bubble sun block material that is a one person, no ladder installation. By gluing 1/4 X 3" wooden trim stock in both ends of the 4' high material and a reinforced hole at the top of its 8' length it's easy to put on. Had to add a SS screw in the middle of the front cap just above the windshield that the hole goes on first. Then each half is rolled out and using bungee cords from the middle of the wooden battens...held in place.
Found a deal on a surplus black sun shade for my Dynasty for $75...though it was just the windshield but had the side ones too. Modified the front one like above and used the snaps on the side windows. Only use the foil one when it's really hot and facing the sun. Also made one for the inside using suction cups and tan sun shade material from Lowes. Used the same material for a shade that goes in the track of my awning.
I have $100 in the modified front and side outside black shades and about the same for the foil front one...$200. The tan sun shades were another $100 mainly in material. I use silicone seal instead of sewing...fold over and glue. Glued a piece of coax cable into the edge of the tan sun shade for what slides into the channel on the awning. Yes, I'm frugal in some areas.