If you don't have a main battery disconnect for both the house and chassis batteries, then you can either install them or simply disconnect the negative cable from each battery as has already been suggested. Be sure you disconnect the NEGATIVE cable and not the positive, though. If you only disconnect the positive, there still stands a chance that something could contact the positive terminal and cause the complete circuit that the battery needs to send power out. The negative terminal is wired to the chassis and provides a common ground to all metal parts of the chassis. All it takes is a wrench or another piece of metal to come in contact with the positive terminal and some other metal part on the coach and you have a complete circuit..... complete with sparks and the chance for ignition. Not good.....
Anytime you are removing/installing a vehicle battery or simply working on or around it, disconnect the NEGATIVE cable first and reconnect it last. Negative off...then positive. Positive on...then negative.