Here we go again... For a motorhome, in 99.9% of the situations the pressure indicated on the tires is nice to know, but NOT relevant since you may never need that much pressure to support the actual weight of your motorhome. Trailer and fifth wheels are different.
If you have no additional information, then use the pressure that is on the placard inside your motorhome.
If you only know your GAWR’s then use that along with the tire manufacturer’s weight tables if you find the placard weight too harsh.
If you know your actual axle weights, or better yet four corner weights, then use that information along with tire manufacturers weight tables to set your tire pressures for where you are at the moment.
The pressures in the charts assume some fluctuations due to temperature and altitude for short term. Adjusting pressures frequently/daily is a sign you have OCD and you need to see a doctor.