Are you POSITIVE you connected all the cables at the chassis battery. There may be 2- 12 volt positive cables at the chassis battery. make sure you check this. IF the Chassis engine starts, then the FORD side (electric seats) and that fuse block at the front firewall should have power, unless you did not connect all the cables correctly at the chassis battery. Do you have 12 volt power to the coach inside from the coach batteries? If not, then if the battery disconnect does NOT turn on the coach system, you may have not connected to coach battery cables correctly. Find the battery disconnect solenoid up front. It should be in a Plexiglas covered housing and will say Intellitec. That solenoid will have 2- 5 amp ATC fuses that power it. They may be blown. On your year model Newmar, when plugged into Shore Power, IF at anytime someone pushed the STORE button on the battery disconnect switch, that would turn the battery disconnect OFF, but the RED LED on the battery disconnect panel would stay ON and the result is, while the rest of the RV coach 12 volt was ON and functioning(from the Power Converter), the battery disconnect turned the coach batteries OFF from the Power Converter and the coach batteries slowly went dead. The CO and LP detectors on your unit are wired direct to the coach batteries and were the reason for the draining of your batteries. Doug